The Road to a #MeMade Wardrobe: Simplicity S9636

Every year (sometimes twice a year) I go through my fabric stash and try to clear out as much clutter as I can.  When I come across small cuts of fabric that I can’t seem to part with, I try to find a creative way to use them.  So when I found about two yards of these two fabrics, I thought they’d both work for a top.  But I didn’t quite have enough of either to finish most of the patterns that I had.  But then the engineering part of my brain clicked on, and I realized that if I used both fabrics in one reversible shirt, I wouldn’t have to worry about the extra fabric that I would need for, say, facing pieces.

Pattern: Simplicity 9636 Misses' Hoodies and Leggings by Mimi G

Fabric: Orange Large Herringbone Brushed Cotton Fabric from Joann

Style: Hoodie

Vintage/Contemporary:  Contemporary

Pattern Edits:

1.     Made it reversible.

2.     Turned the bottom panel in the front and back of the shirt into two parts because of my limited amount of fabric.

3.     Added piping.

4.     Made the pocket double sided.

5.     Combined the two versions of the shirt by having the side openings AND the pocket.

Lessons Learned:

1.     There is no easy way to make a reversible garment.  I’d played out how this was going to go in my mind and thought that somehow, I’d figured out some great secret.  But after sewing it and turning it right side out, I realized it had turned into some kind of weird infinity scarf.  So I had to take it apart and try again.  I just realized there are no shortcuts when it comes to this particular type of construction.  But you can’t blame a girl for trying.