Pussy Power Post #18-Crystal Clark

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I met Crystal through mutual friends after moving to Los Angeles a few years ago.  Her personality is so incredibly effervescent.  She can walk into any room and instantly make it lighter and turn your frown upside down just by her sheer presence. So it was no surprise when she realized that her purpose was in the mental health field.  Please meet, the woman I am so incredibly proud and privileged to call friend, Crystal M. Clark.

1.I’ll start with a very LA-esque question.  What exactly is it that you do?

I listen to people and help them create change! Haha! I know that is pretty vague, so in all seriousness, I am an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist. As a therapist, my priority is my clients and the goals they set as they work to create their best life for themselves.

I graduated with my master's degree in December of 2020 and am considered an Associate because I am working towards licensure. I work with most people but tend to focus my work on women, those who identify as BIPOC, couples, and interracial/intercultural relationships. I particularly enjoy helping others acknowledge, own, and ignite their inner power.  People are awesome and life is hard. So sometimes we forget how to be our best selves or have trouble visualizing what that may even look like. That is where I come in. I listen, we talk, you process, we plan, you implement, you change, we celebrate. Please visit any of my directory pages to hear more about the specifics of how I approach therapy, I would love to hear from you!

2. What inspires you?

The belief that most people are inherently good. Believing in this allows me to hope and it is hope (and love) that inspires my daily interactions and my daily work. I am inspired by the many examples of hope that I see every day on an individual level and the examples of hope that I see on a larger systemic level. It is not always easy to see, find or hold... but it is always there.

3. Give me an abridged version of your journey.

I'm a pseudo-military brat. I moved around a bit, but not as much as others who have family in the armed services. I call North Carolina home because that is where I spent most of my educational years and where my family lives.

I headed to upstate New York for undergrad where, in addition to working on my B.A. in Drama, I developed a deep love for Thai food, apple cider doughnuts, glass earrings, and an intense aversion to the snow.

I moved to Los Angeles a year after graduation to pursue a career in commercial and theater acting and was semi-successful in that venture for 5 years before I took a hard turn into teaching students on the autism spectrum. It was while working with this population that I was reunited with an old, buried idea that my service to humanity was as a black lady therapist. I quit my job, went back to grad school full time, and am now living the reality of walking in my purpose. It took a while to get here, but I am fortunate to have had a lot of people believe in and support me along the way. There was also an insane amount of electronic dance music, boba tea, tears, beach days, and yes... Thai food.

4. What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Surviving almost three years without a job while in graduate school... in Los Angeles. It may sound like that is a joke, but I am serious. In order to go to school full time, I had to save for a few years and stick to a budget. I essentially took on a part-time job just searching for scholarships, grants, and fellowships that would help me fund my graduate degree. I was awarded a total of just over $33,000 in funds due to these efforts. I still have debt, but much less than I would have had I not acknowledged that I needed to learn about money and seek financial guidance. It is humbling, and we do what we need to succeed. They do not teach you personal finance in most public-funded schools and in my experience (which unfortunately is not a solo experience) most women are not included in fiscal conversations. I have a whole rant about this (in which I am likely not using the right financial terms).  Financial literacy is so important and something that I learned pretty late... and honestly an area that I am still developing in myself.  There are so many amazing resources out there for women trying to learn and develop themselves in this area. I say all that to say, acknowledging this growth area and taking steps to work on it while actively engaged with the challenges of it felt like a HUGE accomplishment to me.

5. What’s next for you?

Definitely a vacation and a celebration with the many women who have uplifted me and whom I am blessed to call my friends. Honestly y'all, I am just trying to live that joyful life where I get to help others, eat good food, drink good drinks, and see beautiful sights - all in good company!

6. Name one major goal for the future so your sistren can manifest that with you.

Getting my Marriage and Family Therapy license is my number one goal. I would love to be licensed by my 35th birthday (which is a little over a year away). After that, I will continue to aspire towards excellence in all that I do, especially for my clients who I am continually humbled by and have the utmost respect for. Maybe a Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy...

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Name: Crystal Marie Clark

Age: 33

Location/Region: Glendale, Los Angeles

Industry: Mental Health

Theme Song: Lovely Day - Bill Withers

Favorite Place to Travel: I LOVED Barcelona, but I also love to travel for food

Best Book You’ve Read in the Past Year: Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - I was late to the game... but it was stellar

If You Were A Color You Would Be: Metallic Gold

Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given: "Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words."

Favorite Article of Clothing: A cardigan. Cliche, I know, but don't judge me! I stay freezing and I need warmth. Cardigan for work, snuggy for home

Biggest Fear: Spiders - they had them use tarantulas on Chopped (my favorite show) once and it was not ok.

#1 on Your Bucket List: To attend EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival)

Daily Affirmation: Those who are meant for you will find you.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

To learn more about Crystal, you can check out these links: Her Website, Psychology Today,  Inclusive Therapist and Therapy for Black Girls