Pussy Power Post #15-Helixx C. Armageddon

Photo Credit: Pri the Honeydark

Photo Credit: Pri the Honeydark

My path first crossed with Helixx’s several years ago when I was working in media.  I’d been a part of several mentor-mentee programs while trying to navigate the corporate arena.  Many of them were disastrous.  But when I received Helixx as a mentor, I knew things would be different…because she was different.

She wasn’t just a media professional excelling in her career. She, like me, is also a creative. She knew what it felt like to have a corporate career and an artistic passion, hers being a pretty impressive set of mic skills. Helixx taught me to lean into my purpose, and for that I am forever thankful.

And with that, I’m so excited to introduce to you, performance artist extraordinaire, Helixx C. Armageddon.

Photo Credit: Katrina del Mar

Photo Credit: Katrina del Mar

I’ll start with a very LA-esque question. What exactly is it that you do?

Most of my time is being Schrödinger’s cat. I live my life as a paradox, much of what I do is up for interpretation. At any given moment, I consider myself to be doing art and view myself as a walking billboard of expression. I am a performance artist who frequents the downtown stages of New York City. I am also a lyricist, poet, voice-over artist, music producer and owner of House of Helixx, which is where I sell unique treasures from my closet.

What inspires you?

I’m incredibly inspired by:

-The downtown New York City art scene; which includes all of the people, places and spaces where art is happening every moment of the day.

-My core group of friends, who are all talented creators.

-The community of artists, activists, historians and gallerists that I have had the honor and pleasure of spending time with.

-The Avant-Garde past, present and future.

Give me an abridged version of your journey.

I’m a founding member of the Anomolies, a gender justice collective, which was very active in the 1990s underground hip-hop music scene. In the early 2000s, I took a break from music to raise my son as a single parent and went to work in Media, Technology and Entertainment.

Two years ago, I suffered through severe illness and nearly died. It was a very scary time for me and my loved ones until the doctors were able to figure out what was happening. To help with the pain I was experiencing, I started attending music therapy and quickly noticed the more music I created, the more my body healed. I began to feel hopeful and I promised myself if I recovered, I would live life differently and would prioritize making art. That experience totally changed every aspect of my existence. When you get that close to death, it definitely gives you a different appreciation for life.

Thankfully, I did begin to recover and am feeling a lot better. I’ve fully returned to my creative roots and feel more like myself than ever. Nowadays, I’ve fully embraced the artist lifestyle and feel like I am following the right path. As tough as that experience was, I learned a lot about myself and my purpose. If I hadn’t gone through that experience, I don’t even know if this interview would be happening at this time. That tail-spin seemed to put me right where I needed to be.

What’s your biggest accomplishment thus far?

The mother in me wants to say that raising a son as a single parent in NYC is my biggest accomplishment, but that is only part of the story. Considering all of the challenges I’ve been through over the years, I would say my biggest accomplishment thus far is that I’m still here; living, loving, letting go, learning, laughing, life-ing.

What’s next for you?

As of right now, I’m actively working on an album, on videos of my performances and on a book of my poems. I’m focused on creating things I can leave behind, so they can have a life of their own.

Name one major goal for the future so your sistren can manifest that with you.

There are 1500 art galleries in New York City. My intention is to perform in most of them.

Photo Credit: Pri the Honeydark

Photo Credit: Pri the Honeydark

Name: Helixx C. Armageddon

Age: In Bloom

Location/Region: New York City

Industry: Art

Theme Song: Dangerous Type by The Cars

Favorite Place to Travel: Any of the countries that have The Alps as part of their backdrop.

Best Book You’ve Read in the Past Year: Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing

Worlds by Adrienne Maree Brown

If You Were A Color You Would Be: I’d be the color in your eyes, reflecting back at you.

Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Been Given: Don’t explain your philosophy. Embody it.

Favorite Article of Clothing: My vintage top hat

Biggest Fear: Going back in time. I like to be in the now, which is where I’ve evolved to.

#1 on Your Bucket List: It’s wild. I completed my bucket list items between 2008 and 2015.

Right now, I just want to make an album.

Fictional Character You Most Identify With: The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

Daily Affirmation: I love you, keep going.

Photo Credit: Bob Krasner

Photo Credit: Bob Krasner

To learn more about Helixx, you can check out these links:  WebsiteInstagramSoundcloud and Facebook.  You can even email her HERE

Follow us on Twitter @FlairHuxtable, Instagram @Flair.Huxtable and @HomeBrewedLove, and Facebook at @Flair Huxtable! Then buy Lo’s first book, “The Semester,” HERE!